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Free Returns Audit

Thanks for stopping by at the Prosper Show. We hope you enjoyed our presentation! Analyzing customer returns can provide valuable insights to improve your product and avoiding bad reviews. Use the below form to request a FREE RETURNS audit on your Amazon catalog.


To claim your free returns audit - please follow the below instructions:

Step 1: Open Reports and access Fulfilment Reports

step 1
  • Before you begin, please login to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • On your dashboard, tap the hamburger icon to open the menu, go to Reports and then click Fulfillment

Step 2: FBA Inventory and CSV Download

step 1
  • Look under "Inventory” then click on FBA Inventory ( click here ) to go to a list of reports.
step 1
  • Click the “Request .csv Download” button. This will prompt the system to generate a CSV file containing the inventory data.

Step 3: FBA Customer Returns and CSV Download

step 1
  • Now move down till you find “Customer Concessions”. Under it, click FBA Customer Returns ( click here )
step 1
  • At the top, look for the "Download" option and choose a timeframe of "90 days back." This ensures you're getting relevant data for the past three months.
step 1
  • Click the “Request .csv Download” button. This will prompt the system to generate a CSV file containing the reports data.

Step 4: Getting your report

  • Fill the form below
  • Upload your .csv file and then click on “Generate report”. You will receive a comprehensive report in your email.