
Answer e-commerce support tickets
4X faster

ChannelReply makes it easy to view order data and respond to queries from every marketplace—all in one tab.
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Manage all your support tickets in one place

Connect all your marketplaces with your Zendesk, Freshdesk, Help Scout, Gorgias, Re:amaze, Zoho Desk, or Kustomer account in minutes. Watch every buyer message come in with order details displayed on the side. Answer questions from all your marketplaces on one screen.
ChannelReply helpdesk integrations

Live customer information as you respond

Have all data displayed when communicating with your customer—without toggling between unnecessary open tabs. Use automated replies and custom-built filters to provide personalized support in a fraction of the time.
ChannelReply customer reply

Supports all your e-commerce stores

No more logging into separate accounts. Streamline your customer support training by simplifying platforms into a single helpdesk. Connect Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Walmart, Back Market, Newegg, and Etsy stores in minutes.
ChannelReply store integrations


What types of customer support tickets can ChannelReply assist with?

ChannelReply is your go-to solution for tackling all the questions and support tickets that pop up in your e-commerce business. Whether it's about orders, products, shipping, or anything else your customers need help with, we've got you covered!

How does ChannelReply ensure data security and privacy when integrating with multiple e-commerce platforms?

At ChannelReply, keeping your data safe is our top priority. We use strong security measures to protect customer information and follow strict guidelines like GDPR and CCPA. Our integration process follows the best practices to keep your data confidential and secure.

Can ChannelReply integrate with other customer support platforms apart from the ones listed (Zendesk, Freshdesk, etc.)?

ChannelReply easily works with popular customer support platforms such as Zendesk, Freshdesk, Gorgias, and more. And we're always adding new integrations! Let's chat about how we can link up with your specific tools.

What level of technical expertise is required to set up and use ChannelReply effectively?

ChannelReply is made to be super easy to use, even if you're not a tech whiz. With our simple interface and setup process, you can link your e-commerce and support accounts in no time, no tech skills needed!

check it out

ChannelReply Explained: Answer e-Commerce tickets 4X faster for Amazon, Ebay & Walmart

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