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Threecolts Seller Software Upgrades - October 2023

Thom Choice
October 19, 2023
February 28, 2024

Welcome to the October release notes! This month, we've rolled out several major upgrades across our platforms to improve your user experience and offer new functionalities. Here’s a rundown of what’s new.


Major Feature Releases

New Alerts Platform

We’ve launched a new Alerts Platform on FeedbackWhiz that comes with a slew of features aimed at providing better insights and ease of management.

  • New Interface: Get a clearer view of your data with our dashboard that includes Graphs, logs, search, and filtering functionalities.
  • New Alerts: Stay on top of your account health, listing suppressions, and profits with our new alerting system.
  • List Management: Manage your products and recipients more efficiently with segregated groups.

AI Review Summaries

We’ve integrated with ChatGPT to bring you an incredible product Review Summary tool! It’s now available for all FeedbackWhiz alerts users with over 100 ASINs. We built this tool to provide better insights into helping you understand customer feedback.

FeedbackWhiz Alerts Trial

If you're not an Alerts user and want to test out the features above, you can sign up for a Free 14-Day Trial Here!

Product Updates

Miscellaneous Updates

Several updates have been made to FW Alerts and FW Product Manager for a more user-friendly experience. These include CSV export via Product Manager, updated tooltips, and new features to allow easier product additions and management.

Access these updates on FeedbackWhiz Alerts and FeedbackWhiz Product Manager.

Tactical Arbitrage

Major Feature Releases

Quick Search Release

To facilitate faster browsing, Quick Search has been introduced in Tactical Arbitrage, allowing instant view of products using cached data on over 1000 websites for online arbitrage.

  • Availability: Currently, Quick Search is available to 50% of new users and those who have been invited.
  • Upcoming Features: Enhancing Quick Search filter experience, adding product price alerts, and curated product collections for better browsing and scanning.

Access Quick Search by logging into TacticalArbitrage and looking for "Quick Search" from the left nav menu.

FAQs/Resources Page Additions

We've added FAQs and Resources pages on Tactical Arbitrage to provide more centralized information and resources for you

  • Find these new pages in the header section or directly at FAQs and Resources.


New Settings for Marketplaces

New settings have been introduced for Amazon, eBay, and Walmart to enhance message management and customer interaction.

  • Amazon Ads Filter: Choose not to receive any Amazon Ads messages without losing other important Amazon notifications.
  • eBay Service Messages Threading: Thread eBay service messages into other tickets for a comprehensive view of customer interactions.
  • Walmart Email Replacement: Known no-reply Walmart email addresses on notifications are replaced with the customer’s email address for direct replies.

Enable these settings by logging into ChannelReply and editing your marketplace preferences.

Enhanced Onsite Support Integration

Choosing Onsite Support as your helpdesk now automatically enrolls you in our free plan for Onsite users. Simply integrate Onsite with ChannelReply and your account will be moved to the free plan automatically!

Free and Faster Shopify Integration

Good news Shopify users! We've made our Shopify integration FREE and halved the setup time for a more seamless experience.

  • Existing users: If you integrated ChannelReply with Shopify before September 27, switch to using our Public Shopify app before December 11 to continue enjoying this service.

Threecolts Manager

Product Updates

Self-Service Email and Username Changes

Now, you can change your email and usernames on Threecolts Manager UI without having to contact support. This self-service feature is designed to save time and make your account management easier.

  • Change your details by clicking on the ‘change’ button next to username or email
  • Fill out the new username or email and enter your password.
  • Enter 2FA OTP if 2FA is enabled.

As always, we hope these upgrades help in making your experience with Threecolts more productive and enjoyable. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming months!

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Small group workshops to help you learn, optimize, and grow.