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The most robust profit recovery platform for Amazon and Walmart

Lost inventory. Damaged inventory. Incorrect fees. Get cash back on Amazon Seller Central, Amazon Vendor Central, and Walmart.
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Recover 3X more than the competition

The power of DimeTydSellers creates unprecedented recovery tactics to outpace the competition.

Pay nothing up front, get transparent billing

Receive a weekly invoice for what we recover with details on how we traced your money back. We only get paid when you get paid, and you can cancel at anytime.
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We do the work—you stay in control

A dedicated case manager handles your account daily from our offices in the US and the UK. DimeTydSellers has case-level reporting so you can rest easy, knowing the current status of every pending, completed, and rejected case.
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DimeTydSellers by Threecolts - Stop losing money as an Amazon Seller

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