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8 Best Amazon Repricing Tools to Boost Sales, Buy Box Wins

Geri Mileva
March 20, 2024
June 6, 2024
best amazon repricing tools

So you've set your product prices after deciding what to resell on Amazon. Now you're ready to face the big game—repricing or adjusting your item's cost to keep up with your competitor's rates. If you're a new seller, performing this task manually may not be an issue. However, pricing fluctuates in the fast-paced Amazon marketplace multiple times daily. As you scale and diversify your product line, you can boost your chances of making a sale using an online tool that automates repricing.

Although Amazon offers free pricing automation, it can take hours to take effect. Moreover, Amazon controls the frequency of price adjustments. When repricing occurs, merchants have sadly observed that the rate typically settles into the minimum sale price you set. Furthermore, Amazon requires you to set automations per item, not in bulk, making it a time-consuming process. Meanwhile, third-party solutions can start working faster and adjust your pricing to your maximum limit. Read on to learn how repricing tools can help you earn more from your arbitrage and which repricing tools top sellers use.

Understanding How Amazon Repricing Tools Operate

Understanding How Amazon Repricing Tools Operate

Repricer tools adjust your product prices automatically based on your current inventory, sales velocity, competitor's pricing, and the time of day, among other factors. You can set the parameters, including minimum and maximum prices and price adjustment increments. This saves you time doing manual competitor analysis and monitoring price changes for hours. It also eases the pressure of setting the right price, knowing that you need to make a profit from the amount you spent to offer the product in your Amazon storefront.

Upon integrating with your Amazon Seller Central account, repricer solutions can access your product listing and modify your pricing in real time, almost instantly. SellerApp says 60% of Amazon's most profitable sellers use a repricing tool.

5 Reasons Why Amazon Sellers Rely on Repricers

Amazon merchants can benefit from repricing solutions by doing the following:

  • Increase efficiency

Repricing tools can analyze large amounts of data accurately and quickly, improving your sales workflow and decision-making.

  • Reduce human error 

Pressing the wrong numbers or misplacing your decimal point is costly for your business.

  • Improve chances of securing the Buy Box

As repricing tools help you win more sales through competitive pricing—particularly landed prices (total cost, including shipping fee)—you increase the likelihood of scoring high on Amazon's selling metrics and getting the much-coveted Buy Box

  • Hasten stock turnover

Greater visibility and attractive rates make it easier for shoppers to choose your goods, leading to faster sales, lower storage costs, and better cash flow.

  • Optimize profit 
Reasons Why Amazon Sellers Rely on Repricers

Competitor pricing can further reduce the already thin profit margins of arbitrage sellers. Repricers use algorithms and data to find your "sweet spot" pricing, preventing losses due to under- or overselling.

Top 8 Amazon Repricing Tools

We've curated eight of the market's leading repricers based on their ease of use, speedy data collection, and repricing capabilities—including bulk repricing, customization, coverage or locations where they're available, and affordability.

  1. SmartRepricer by Threecolts
Smartrepricer by Threecolts

Our repricing tool, SmartRepricer—an official Amazon automation partner—allows you to customize your repricing strategy or choose from "templates" generated by AI. You can choose from "Profit Booster," which aims to increase your profits while targeting the Buy Box, "Sales Booster," which will grow your sales while protecting the Buy Box, "Balanced Enhancer," which will work to maximize your sales and profits, and "Aggressive Lowest," which will target the lowest price.

Competitor settings are also available: lowest offer overall, lowest FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), lowest MFN (Merchant Fulfilled Network), lowest FBA then MFN, only Buy Box, and lowest FBA then Buy Box. You can also choose competitors based on their feedback rating and shipping time. These strategies can apply to single or sets of items, with an option to shift between strategies based on the time intervals you set under Workflow. Also, insights from its Reports menu will help you determine what action to take based on metrics such as top sellers, items that hit your minimum or maximum set price, your Buy Box stats, and more.


  • Price list management
  • Repricing history
  • Shipping templates
  • Price and profit calculator 
  • Integration with SellerRunning, Threecolts' automated tool for global product sourcing from
  • Technical support via email

Coverage: All Amazon marketplaces

Pricing: Starts at $49/month for the Lite plan with up to 5k listings (up to $299/month for the High Level 1 plan with up to 150K listings)

Free trial availability: 14 days with no credit card info required

  1. Aura

Aura has a unique Hyperdrive feature, which can update your top 50 listings simultaneously in less than 10 seconds. Subscribers with at least 50 listings get access to its AI assistant, Maven, which optimizes your prices to win the Buy Box. You can let the AI reprice your items' costs based on your rivals' pricing changes. Or you can select from Aura's pre-configured strategies, including Buy Box targeting, "Featured Merchants" to match the lowest offer of a seller eligible for the Buy Box, and "Lowest Price," which targets the lowest offer overall and raises prices when you're the lowest featured merchant in the Buy Box. Similar to SmartRepricer, you can choose sellers depending on their offer (lowest overall, lowest FBA, lowest MFN, and so on). 


  • Automated workflows
  • Pricing activity log
  • Integrations with InventoryLab and other tools
  • Reports

Coverage: US, Canada, Mexico

Pricing: Starts at $27/month for first-time users whose sales are below $10k/month (up to $397/month for the Pro plan). Subscribers enjoy unlimited listings on all plans. 

Free trial availability: 14 days with no credit card info required

  1. Informed Repricer
Informed repricer

Another Amazon partner app, Informed (formerly Appeagle) has an over-40,000 user base from the retailing giant and Walmart. Its distinct Profit Protection tool auto-calculates the maximum price you can set for your listing to boost profits. It also prevents your product from getting deactivated by Amazon by setting its optimal price threshold. The feature increases your price through "Smart Price Reset" (during slow sales), "Raise the Buy Box Price," (once you land the Buy Box), and "Find your Optimal Price" (optimizes prices regardless of competition).

Moreover, the platform offers five pre-made options under its Interactive Strategy Simulator. "Get the Buy Box" and "Compete with Featured Merchants" tweak your pricing based on competitors, with the latter targeting offers only made by Buy Box-eligible sellers. Meanwhile, "Optimal Price" and "Private Label" are ideal for listings with typically few or no competitors. The "Compete with Lowest Price" strategy matches the lowest-price offer across fulfillment types. Finally, "Build Your Own" lets you choose your competitors and repricing margin.


  • Analytics and reporting
  • API plus integrations
  • Product security (halts repricing when Informed detects abnormal activity)

Coverage: US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Sweden, Poland

Pricing: Starts at $149/month for users with up to $25k monthly revenues (up to $899/month for users with up to $1 million monthly revenues)

Free trial availability: 14 days with no credit card info required

  1. BQool Repricing Central
bqool repricing central

BQool users can choose from rule-based, AI, and conditional repricing. In rule-based repricing, you can select how the platform will adjust your listings' prices from five rule types: "Target the Lowest Price" and "Target the Lowest FBA" both compete against the lowest price. "Undercut the Buy Box Price" and "Undercut the Buy Box Price (Oscillate)" target the current Buy Box winner. "Match Buy Box" only matches the offer of the Buy Box owner. The first two rules aim to maintain price competitiveness even if you're the Buy Box owner. Meanwhile, the last three options intend to outdo a target seller by $0.01 and raise your price when you land the Buy Box. You can pick between repeated or recurring and fixed date schedules to reprice your offers. 

For BQool’s AI repricing, you can match the Buy Box by raising or lowering your price gradually (AI Max Profit), moderately (AI Grow Profit), or intermediately (AI Boost Profit). Meanwhile, AI helps you win the Buy Box through aggressive repricing to maximize sales (AI Sales Maximizer) or aggressive repricing to maximize profit (AI Profit Maximizer). Other “Buy Box win” options include dynamic repricing to boost sales (AI Sales Booster), incremental repricing to boost profit (AI Profit Booster), and moderate repricing to balance sales and profit (AI Equalizer).

Finally, conditional repricing enables you to automatically transition from rule-based to AI-based repricing and vice-versa, depending on the triggers you've chosen. These conditions can include your sales velocity, inventory level or age for perishable goods, or loss of the Buy Box (Buy Box is missing or suppressed—"Add to Cart" and "Buy Now" buttons aren't visible).


  • Filters to sort and organize listings into groups and sub-groups 
  • Repricing history log
  • Competitor analysis
  • Price and profit calculator
  • Synchronization with InventoryLab

Coverage: US, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and Europe (UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy). You pay a separate fee for each marketplace.

Pricing: Starts at $22.50/month for the Basic plan with 1K listings (up to $270/month for the AI Enterprise plan with 65K listings).

Free trial availability: 14 days without credit card info required

  1. Seller Snap
seller snap

Seller Snap's AI follows game theory tactics, repricing your item in response to competitor behavior while at the same time maximizing your profits in real time. The normal practice is to race with other sellers to hit the lowest price in snagging the Buy Box. Seller Snap claims to get the Buy Box share you're "entitled" to while keeping your price high. This means you share the Buy Box with other sellers at a higher price point instead of owning it for a long time at a lower price point. The platform can also do the repricing for B2B Amazon storefronts. Its AI Business Repricer has a "Quantity Discounts" tool for offering bulk discounts across different tiers. 

Moreover, Seller Snap allows you to switch between AI and rule-based repricing. Its pre-developed strategies include: "Win Buy Box" (unlike other tools, it aims for the highest possible price), "Seller Fulfilled Prime" to compete for the regional Buy Box, "Follow a Related ASIN" for repricing a private label or bundled items. You can also set prices to change on specific hours or days of the week.


  • Business intelligence and analytics (suggested replenishment date and quantity, storage fee calculation, returns data, and reimbursement data)
  • Automated workflows
  • Accelerator Program: open to small sellers with over 1K active listings and $25K average monthly sales. Qualified users pay $250 for the six-month program and then switch to the standard or Premium Plan ($800) when their average sales exceed $25K by the end of the period.
  • Inventory management app integrations

Coverage: US, UK, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Singapore 

Pricing: Starts at $500/month for the Standard Plan, which allows up to 3 users and 15K listings (You must contact Seller Snap's sales team for the pricing of its top-tier Unlimited Plan, which accommodates unlimited users and over 30K listings). 

Free trial availability: 15 days without credit card info required

  1. Feedvisor 

Feedvisor is an Amazon Marketplace Developer Council member that offers two plans. FeedvisorEssentials caters to businesses making up to $150K in gross merchandise value (GMV) monthly. Its analytics cover the performance of your stock-keeping units (SKUs)—such as sales, profit margins, Buy Box share, and more—and competitive analysis of up to 20 ASINS. 

Meanwhile, Feedvisor360 is designed to support brands and private label sellers with over $250k GMV/month through its proprietary ProductSphere pricing technology. You get advanced and customized business analytics on individual listings and store-level aggregations, including direct and indirect competition detection. Strategies and pricing rules are also tailored to your needs. Reports include replenishment/excess, floor-to-ceiling profit, and more. You can also analyze your results by strategy, SKU, brand, and custom cohorts (seller segments).


  • Predictive business intelligence (integrated performance, profitability, and returns dashboard, campaign recommendations, and inventory replenishment insights)
  • Brand optimization (listing performance monitoring and optimization, reputation management support, SEO analysis)
  • Ad optimization (product and audience targeting, NLP-driven keyword harvesting and forecasting, automated PPC campaign restructuring, autonomous dayparting, analytics)

Coverage: Its website doesn't mention the marketplaces it supports.

Pricing: FeedvisorEssentials starts at $100/month. Meanwhile, Feedvisor360 starts at $850/month (with dedicated 24/7 support and account manager).

Free trial availability: 14 days 

Repricer—another Amazon Marketplace Developer Council member—was the former xSellco and in 2020 merged with RepricerExpress. The platform has six pre-built pricing strategies and an option to customize your repricing rule. The rule templates are "Lowest Price" and "Lowest Price EXCEPT Amazon" to compete with the lowest offer by 1% and four other options targeting specific seller types: "Buy Box Eligible," "Prime Rule" (Prime sellers), "FBM Rule" (FBM sellers and going below FBA), and "FBA Rule" (FBA sellers while going above FBM). 

To further streamline your repricing, identify the specific sellers you want to compete with. You can exclude merchants who sell outside your minimum price bounds to avoid price wars. Moreover, you can compete based on fulfillment method, competitor stock levels, feedback, location, or your last sale date. 

See your repricing in action without affecting your real-time item costs by turning on the "Safe Mode" feature. Your rules and strategies will only apply when you click "Go live."


  • Ratings and reviews management 
  • Event and competitor (up to 10) tracking
  • Buy Box-specific features on higher plans (Buy Box predictor, Suppressed Buy Box strategy, price war management)

Coverage: All international Amazon marketplaces

Pricing: Starts at $199/month for the Express Plan with up to 1K SKUs or $179/month when you sign up for an annual subscription (up to $599/month for the Expert Plan with up to 50K SKUs or $539/month for a full-year subscription). Custom Plans are available for over 50K SKUs.

Free trial availability: 14 days without credit card info required

  1. Sellery by Seller Engine
sellery by seller engine

You can select from Sellery's pre-built rules or customize your repricing strategy after creating a "Smartlist" of items you want to reprice. Click the Competition tab in your inventory to discover the products you're up against, particularly for private label repricing.

Customized repricing involves setting your competition filters to identify the offers and sellers you want to reprice against, pricing rules (core strategy and Buy Box strategy), and special cases or exceptions to your rules. These filters follow the elimination process, with options to exclude offers based on base price, base price plus shipping, FBA status, feedback percentage, lead time, Buy Box eligibility, Seller Fulfilled Prime status, and more. Next, you must determine whether your price will be "lower than/equal to/higher than" the competition price and by what percentage. Moreover, Sellery lets you assign a percentage by which to raise your product price when you have no competitors. This percentage can be above your minimum/maximum price, list price, Amazon price, or minimum advertised price (MAP). The final step requires you to choose from the "If this, then that" options under the "Buy Box + Exceptions" tab so you can win and keep the Buy Box.

Meanwhile, several strategies are available under automatic repricing. The "Lowering" option reduces your price until you get/retake the Buy Box. "Sharing" aims to get you a share of the box when other sellers are actively competing for it. You may also opt for "Matching" or going head-to-head against your rivals’ pricing. "Raising" increases your listing price once you land the Buy Box, while "Holding" momentarily halts price changes when you have the best price. 


  • Private label solutions 
  • Scheduled repricing
  • Alert when your price violates a brand owner's MAP or Amazon's price validation rules

Coverage: US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan

Pricing: Pricing: Sellery charges 1% of your gross monthly sales (GMS), starting at $50/month for $0 to $5K GMS (up to $2K/month for GMS of $200K and higher).

Free trial availability: 14 days without credit card info required

Reprice Strategically with SmartRepricer

Brand recognition and differentiation aren't enough if you want to stay profitable on Amazon. The automated and AI-driven repricing tools suggested in this article can keep you in step with other sellers while giving you more time to focus on your core business tasks. 

If you're new to repricing as an FBA or FBM seller, get a glimpse of SmartRepricer with this video overview and see how it can help fulfill your Amazon storefront growth goals.

Browse through and read our other blog posts that are data-driven insights with our very own proprietary data and learn more on Mother's Day trends and best practices, Easter sales, price elasticity of demand, Amazon FBA fee changes, Amazon product title optimization, winter seasonal products, Amazon end of year sales, Valentine’s Day trends and best Amazon fulfillment centers by location and throughput.

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