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What You Need to Know About Amazon Product Inserts in 2024

Geri Mileva
April 11, 2024
May 13, 2024
Amazon Product Inserts

Product inserts aren’t just pieces of paper that offer additional information to customers. They’re versatile marketing tools that allow brands to share tips and tricks with buyers, offer exclusive discounts, express their gratitude through personalized notes, request for customer feedback, and more. When done well, product inserts provide added value to your customers, which can positively impact their overall experience. According to a McKinsey report, companies that focus on providing exceptional customer experiences are more likely to outperform CX laggards in terms of revenue growth. Furthermore, using the right product inserts enables your brand to stand out, tell your story, and build customer loyalty. 

The same applies to Amazon product inserts. Including custom product inserts in your packaging can make your brand more memorable. It also provides additional opportunities to solicit customer feedback and reviews, enhancing your presence on the platform. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Amazon product inserts, what they are, and how you can leverage them to grow your business. 

What is an Amazon Product Insert?

Amazon product inserts refer to printed marketing materials included inside the product packaging of goods sold on Amazon. They help add a human touch to what would otherwise be a purely digital transaction between Amazon FBA or FBM sellers and their customers. While Amazon product inserts can seem like an old-school marketing strategy, Amazon sellers can effectively use product inserts for several things, such as:

  • Upselling their products
  • Promoting other products
  • Providing shoppers with better customer service
  • Offering more targeted promotions based on customer data

Product inserts also come in several types, depending on what their purpose is. For example, you can use them as discount cards that provide special offers for your other products on Amazon. As thank-you cards, you can use them to include a personalized or even handwritten note to thank customers for their purchases. Amazon inserts can also function as guides, providing useful information about product usage, care instructions, warranty details, and maintenance tips. 

How Do I Add Inserts to My Products?

To add Amazon product inserts to your packaging, all you need are the goods you're selling on Amazon. The advantage of these inserts is that sellers aren't required to register them via Amazon Seller Central. Plus, you can always go the DIY route when it comes to making your product inserts using online graphic design tools like Canva. 

Why You Should Add Product Inserts: The Benefits of Amazon Product Inserts 

Adding Amazon product inserts can seem like extra work for sellers but it offers plenty of potential benefits when executed properly. These inserts are a cost-effective way to promote your business and products, as they don’t require a significant upfront investment.

Aside from helping your brand stand out and getting more reviews, here are some other noteworthy benefits of using Amazon product inserts.

Increase Customer Engagement

Amazon product inserts provide several ways for sellers to engage their customers. For instance, you can promote contests or giveaways using your inserts, enabling customers to continue engaging with your brand even after the purchase. These contests or giveaways could be for new products, exclusive discounts, or special events, which not only keep the brand at the forefront of the customer's mind but also encourage continued interaction. 

Improve Brand Awareness

Utilizing inserts can significantly enhance your brand's visibility, fostering recognition and awareness. They serve as an educational tool for shoppers, narrating your unique brand story, and highlighting your distinct value proposition.

Note that for inserts to be effective at boosting brand awareness, they need to be aligned with your visual identity and branding as this also creates a more cohesive experience for your customers. 

Provide Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities

Amazon product inserts are an excellent method to showcase your other products. Use them to upsell or cross-sell relevant, related, or even slow-moving items, based on your understanding of the customer's preferences. Their purchase can also serve as a reference for what else you can offer them.

Enhance Social Media Engagement

You can use inserts to promote your social media channels, allowing you to expand your reach even further. This enables you to keep your customers updated with your latest products and services. It also allows you to build a community by engaging with them more personally, addressing their queries, and obtaining their feedback. 

Offer More Memorable Unboxing Experiences

A memorable unboxing experience can elevate your brand's impression. The product's initial presentation can affect the customer's perception of the brand and product quality. Thoughtful packaging or product inserts can make unboxing exciting and enjoyable, leading to higher customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers often become repeat buyers, thereby enhancing their loyalty. Not only are they likely to purchase more often, but they could also potentially boost profits by over 25%.

Create Stronger Relationships with Customers

Well-designed product inserts allow you to communicate directly and more effectively with customers. It’s also a great way to let customers know that you care about them and are grateful for their support. For instance, you can include information on how customers can reach out to you on Amazon for any questions or concerns. 

Amazon’s Policy on Product Inserts

Including product inserts that would influence the feedback of Amazon customers, such as those that offer compensation in exchange for reviews, is a big no-no. According to the Amazon Seller University video on Amazon product insert compliance, the platform monitors the products sold there to ensure that inserts don’t contain any of the following:

  • Asking for specific contributions to the Amazon community, like reviews and ratings, or offering incentives like gifts, coupons, or gift cards for customers who provide reviews.
  • Requesting for a specific type of feedback from customers like positive ratings or asking buyers to alter their reviews by using manipulative language.
  • Offering refunds or compensation for leaving a review.
  • Asking customers to contact the seller outside of Amazon’s Buyer-Seller Messaging platform. This means that you shouldn’t include any contact information, such as URLs or email addresses, that may redirect customers outside of the platform. 
Amazon’s Policy on Product Inserts

The good news is that you can include Amazon product inserts to thank customers for their purchases or to ask them to leave an experience-based review. In addition to these, you can use Amazon product inserts to provide customers with detailed instructions and warranty information. Inserts can also be used to encourage buyers to follow your social media accounts or subscribe to your newsletter.

If you think your product inserts violate Amazon’s customer reviews policies and Seller Code of Conduct, it’s recommended that you immediately remove any FBA-handled inventory that includes such inserts. If you’re an FBM seller, make sure that you remove these inserts before you ship your items. Not complying with the platform’s product insert policies can result in the removal of your products or the revocation of your selling privileges. 

Here are some of the guidelines you need to read up on before including product inserts into your product packaging:

Adding Amazon Product Inserts into Your Product Packaging

You can easily use design tools like Canva and Adobe Express to design your Amazon product inserts. You’ll just need to create a free account to start designing.

These platforms offer a variety of customizable templates. Select a template that suits your brand, then customize it by adding a personal message or your logo, and adjusting design elements like colors and fonts. Once your design is complete, proceed to print your inserts. You can either print them yourself or seek the services of an online or local printing company.

Now, if you’re working with a supplier, make sure that you share your product insert design with them so that they can print it out and include the insert in each package. 

5 Amazon Product Insert Ideas Worth Trying

Amazon product inserts allow sellers to fill in any gaps in the customer’s journey. From building brand knowledge to providing answers to frequently asked questions, here are some ways you can add value to customer experiences with your Amazon product inserts. 

  1. Product Guide

Product guides share tips and tricks that help customers use your products more effectively. When choosing to include product inserts that serve as guides, make sure that your instructions are easy to understand. They should also match your brand’s style. 

Product Guide
  1. Brand Knowledge

Amazon product inserts allow you to tell your story and let customers know more about what your brand is about. Use your inserts to share your mission and values, or to tell customers about how their purchase can support your initiatives. You can also include information that may be relevant to your target audience, such as if your products are cruelty-free or recyclable. 

brand knowledge
  1. FAQs

If you’re selling a new product or marketing your products in a new marketplace, including inserts that double as a FAQs page helps customers learn how to set up or learn more about your products. When creating FAQ product inserts, consider adding eye-catching visual guides and using concise language when providing answers to the questions. 

  1. Localized Product Inserts

If you’re running your Amazon business on multiple marketplaces, consider localizing your inserts. This strategy can enhance targeting and make your product inserts more relatable to specific audiences. You might consider using images that are familiar to a particular market, or even utilizing the local language in your inserts.

  1. Free Samples

Including free samples is always a great way to pique customers’ interest and get them excited about your products. Plus, they make for a great unboxing experience while allowing customers to try out your other products so they can make more informed purchasing decisions in the future. They’re also great if you’re looking to cross-sell your products or introduce customers to new products. However, when including free samples, make sure that you communicate that they're not incentivized.

Best Practices for Using Amazon Product Inserts

To harness the full potential of Amazon product inserts, we’re sharing helpful recommendations that will allow you to engage customers more effectively without violating Amazon’s guidelines.

Determine Your Goals for Your Amazon Product Inserts

We’ve already established that Amazon product inserts are versatile marketing tools. Now, before you create your inserts, determine what you want to achieve with them. Do you want to have more reviews? Are you looking to resolve recurring problems? Do you want to use inserts for upselling?

How you design your product inserts will also depend on your goal. For example, if you want to provide additional instructions to customers or answer FAQs, you can provide clear and easy-to-follow instructions on your inserts. If you want to upsell products, consider including photos of your other offerings, along with a compelling call to action (CTA) to encourage customers to check them out and boost your conversion rates. 

Keep Your Product Inserts Simple

It might be tempting to use your Amazon product inserts to include a lot of additional information or helpful tips for customers. However, it’s best to keep your inserts, from the design to the content, simple and easy to digest. Refrain from including complex information or adding jargon. Instead, stick to the essentials and provide customers with clear instructions or easy-to-follow tips in bullet points. When it comes to the design, don’t go overboard with the graphic elements, and keep your layout balanced. This ensures that your insert doesn’t end up confusing or distracting your customers. 

Create Original Designs

Eye-catching insert designs can stand out and pique your audience’s interest. When making your Amazon product inserts, consider using different fonts and high-quality images, switching up the layout, and adding bold or bright colors to grab your customers’ attention. Aside from your design, pay attention to the insert’s copy, including your headline and CTA. Make sure that they’re catchy, compelling, and on-brand. 

Be Mindful of the Size of Your Product Inserts

Amazon product inserts should fit properly in your product packaging. It must not cause any damage to your product or any deformities to the product packaging. And it shouldn’t take up a lot of space. The standard size for Amazon product inserts is 3.5 x 2 inches, which gives you ample space to provide relevant or helpful information.  

Avoid Including Anything That’ll Take Customers Away from the Platform

Whether it’s an email, URL, phone number, or QR code, don’t include anything that will take customers away from Amazon. So, what can Amazon sellers do to still be able to promote their business? Consider including a message encouraging them to check out your Amazon store or other products. Additionally, instead of links, include helpful information, such as how they can get in touch with you via Amazon or its Buyer-Seller Messaging service

Help centers built with Onsite Support are an exception to this rule. Onsite helps brands enroll in Amazon Product Lifecycle Support and builds Amazon-compliant customer portals for them. It also includes a QR code generator that can take customers straight to your Onsite help center, and these QR codes can safely be added to inserts.

Provide Accurate Information on Guarantees or Extended Warranties

When including guarantees or extended warranties, only include accurate and transparent information. Don’t make exaggerated claims or misleading statements that may lead to customer dissatisfaction. Use clear language and include any specific warranty-related details. Doing so benefits both you and your customers. For sellers, this helps avoid any confusion or potential problems, as well as nurture customer loyalty. The latter is crucial because 80% of value creation stems from uncovering new revenues from your current customers. 

For customers, this allows them to easily understand the terms and conditions of your warranty claims. 

Never Offer Incentives or Compensation in Exchange for Reviews

We can’t stress this point enough. Never offer incentives for customer reviews. Furthermore, avoid asking customers to only give you positive reviews. Doing so will cause you to violate Amazon’s policies, which could lead to serious consequences like the revocation of your selling privileges. If you want to ask for feedback, make sure to do so in a neutral manner. This way, customers won’t feel compelled to leave only positive reviews, which also gives them the opportunity to leave honest feedback. Alternatively, consider offering discounts for their next orders, with promo codes that they can use exclusively on your Amazon store. 

Aside from these tips, make sure that you don’t use Amazon product inserts to disparage your competitors. Doing so will also cause you to violate Amazon’s policy. Plus, it can put off your customers. It’s also worth noting that while you can share your social media pages, avoid asking customers outright for their contact information using external links on your product inserts. 

Accelerate Your Growth with Amazon Product Inserts

While they may be small pieces of paper, well-designed Amazon product inserts provide sellers with plenty of opportunities for business growth. From cross-selling and upselling to nurturing customer trust and boosting engagement, these slips of paper allow you to bolster your brand’s presence on the platform and help you achieve your business goals. 

Looking to take your Amazon business even further? Threecolts is a multi-solution platform that offers solutions for listing products, managing inventory, handling customer service, and more. Explore our comprehensive range of solutions for Amazon retail vendors and marketplace sellers and start charting your path to accelerated growth.

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1. Can product inserts be customized based on the type of product or target audience, and are there any examples of successful customization strategies?

Yes, product inserts can be customized to resonate with specific demographics or product categories. For instance, a skincare brand may include skincare tips tailored to different skin types, while a pet supplies company may offer training advice for dog owners. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of their audience, sellers can craft personalized inserts that drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Are there any specific metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) I should track to measure the ROI of my product inserts?

Key metrics to track include redemption rates for any included offers or discounts, changes in customer retention and repeat purchase rates, and the impact on overall sales and revenue. Additionally, monitoring customer feedback and reviews mentioning the inserts can provide insights into their effectiveness in building brand affinity and driving positive sentiment.

3. Can product inserts help gather feedback or reduce the number of returns and negative reviews for my products?

Yes, strategically designed product inserts can address common pain points or FAQs, ensuring customers have a positive post-purchase experience. Including care instructions, troubleshooting tips, or access to customer support channels like an Onsite Support help center can mitigate issues that might lead to returns or negative reviews. 

Additionally, product inserts can serve as a valuable feedback mechanism for e-commerce businesses. Including a QR code or URL to leave a review on Amazon simplifies the process and encourages participation.

Currently, this is pretty easy to do—for example, you can link directly to the page to review a product on Amazon US with the URL if you replace the Xs with your product’s ASIN. (You can test this out on your own customer account with the ASINs of items you’ve recently ordered.) Just make sure you NEVER link outside of Amazon, offer incentives, or ask for any specific kind of review by saying things like “positive” or “five-star.”

4. What are some strategies for testing and iterating on product inserts to continuously improve their effectiveness over time?

A/B testing is an effective method for refining product inserts and identifying what resonates best with your audience. Experiment with variations in messaging, design elements, and offers to gauge their impact on customer engagement and conversion rates.

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